Everything comes full circle. Print advertising and the science of print advertising has been established for hundreds of years. The internet, search ads and display ads disrupted, and eleminated most b2b print advertising.

There has been overcompensation towards new digital mediums, that while interactive these digital ad units are not as effective as they once were.

Digital Fatigue

Banner Ads are shown on every page view. It is not novel. Users have become desensitized to the messaging and to the format. Users report frustration and negative brand association with digital ad clutter that prevents them from having a successful surf.  Majority of users disliked ads prior to reading an article, watching a video, or browsing a website

Print is the Other Option Now

Over the last decade we have seen advertisers transition to digital formats… so much that very few publications exist anymore. Here is the rub. Human nature did not change. So advertisers transitioned away from a medium that worked well for hundreds of years to a new one that has a hard time leaving a positive impression.

No More Cookies

The transition to a cookieless internet is having a significant impact on Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS) for digital marketers. Cookies have traditionally been a fundamental tool for tracking user behavior, targeting ads, and measuring the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. However, as privacy concerns and regulatory changes have led to increased restrictions on cookies, advertisers are facing several challenges that affect their ROAS:

1. Reduced User Tracking:

Without third-party cookies, it becomes more challenging to track user behavior across websites and platforms. Advertisers have less visibility into user journeys and are limited in their ability to target users based on their browsing history. This can lead to less precise ad targeting and potentially lower ROAS as ads may not reach the most relevant audiences.

2. Limited Personalization:

Cookies enable personalized advertising by allowing advertisers to serve ads tailored to a user’s interests and behaviors. In a cookieless environment, personalization becomes more challenging. Advertisers may have to rely on contextual targeting or first-party data, which may not be as effective in delivering personalized content. This can result in lower engagement and conversion rates, impacting ROAS.

3. Attribution Challenges:

Attribution models heavily rely on cookies to track conversions and attribute them to specific marketing channels or touchpoints. With the loss of cookies, attribution becomes more complex. Advertisers may struggle to accurately measure the contribution of each channel to conversions, making it difficult to optimize ad spend effectively. This can lead to suboptimal allocation of resources and lower ROAS.

The challenges of a cookieless internet underscore the importance of diversifying your marketing strategies. While digital advertising remains crucial, don’t underestimate the enduring power of print in reaching your B2B audience.

Consider complementing your digital efforts with Business Advantage Monthly Print Advertising. Our B2B print advertising solution provides you with a reliable and lasting channel to connect with your target audience. With a tactile experience, ageless appeal, and the ability to evoke emotional responses, print advertising can enhance your overall marketing mix.

Discover the advantages of Business Advantage Monthly Print Advertising today and ensure your brand message endures in the ever-changing world of B2B marketing. Contact us to learn more and take the next step toward improving your ROAS with the lasting impact of print.”