The Reality in Advertising Today

Do not leave out print marketing from your marketing campaigns. Based on digital vs print advertising statistics, print ads drive stronger brand recall. They are also more trusted by consumers when making purchase decisions.

The Private Life of Mail 

Mail has always delivered a great return on investment (ROI) – and it still does.  But we’ve learned that mail also has the kind of benefits you might have associated with above the line media, such as creating strong, emotional connections and brand...


Orientation marketing hits on pros and cons of both print and digital ads. Three Takeaways: B2B PRINT MEDIA IS ALL ABOUT TRUST DIGITAL IS NOISY AND CROWDED AND NO COOKIES PRINT FEELS MORE LEGITIMATE... AND SECURE Read their take here

Why Magazine Ads Still Belong In Your Media Plan

Consumers still find value in printed magazines, and successful publications both big and small have the potential to attract a core audience of like-minded individuals. Your brand would do well to pursue that audience. Read the article

The Power of Print Advertising, According to AI.

They typed "advertising," "print advertising," and "Photonics Spectra" into an AI chatbot. Here is what it came back with: 1. Targeted audience: Print advertisements can target specific demographics and interests, making it easier to reach the right audience. 2....

Has Print Marketing Risen From The Grave? 

According to this survey, U.S. consumers perceive traditional print media to be a more trustworthy and accurate source than its digital counterpart. With misinformation spreading faster than ever, many are fearful to believe what they read online.The survey found...

Why Marketers Are Returning to Traditional Advertising 

In a world dominated by digital marketing, the resurgence of print advertising is undeniable. Discover why leading marketers are returning to traditional advertising channels to supercharge their campaigns and connect with audiences like never before. Read the article...

6 Reasons Why Print Advertisements Are Considered Trustworthy

People perceive print advertisements as more trustworthy than digital advertising. Many studies have shown that when it comes to making purchasing decisions, people tend to rely more on print advertisements than digital ads. Gen Z demo spends more time reading...

Generation Z and the Mail

Gen Zers also reported being engaged with mail; the majority both send and receive greeting cards, letters, and packages. As well, nearly half said they share the responsibility of checking and...

Advertising Effectiveness & Age 

The results of the USPS OIG study showed that regardless of age, physical ads were more effective than digital in leaving a lasting impression. All age groups processed digital ads more quickly than physical, which could be advantageous with limited attention or time....

USPS Customer & Market Insights

Overall mail engagement has increased since 2012, and Millennials are as at least engaged with the mail as non-Millennials.Though they receive less mail overall, Millennials spend more time sorting their mail and are more active consumers of mail. Millennials enjoy it...

The Private Life of Mail 

Mail has always delivered a great return on investment (ROI) – and it still does.  But we’ve learned that mail also has the kind of benefits you might have associated with above the line media, such as creating strong, emotional connections and brand...

Direct Mail & QR Codes 

One company reported that it processed 21.8 million QR code scans in the first quarter of 2014, up 20 percent from the same period in 2013. The company’s quarterly report, issued in 2014, found that users of all ages employed QR codes, with the number of scans fairly...

Priming and Human Memory Systems

1990 Jan 19;247(4940):301-6. doi: 10.1126/science.2296719. Priming and human memory systems. Science, 247(4940), 301-306. While not directly comparing print and digital, this work has often been used to discuss the nature of memory recall. Some have interpreted...

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